Abstract | Hrana predstavlja jedan od osnovnih elemenata čovjekovih egzistencijalnih potreba i kao takva vrijedna je istraživanja i raznih analiziranja. Osim egzistencijalne uloge, hrana danas dobiva puno veći značaj. Naime, ona predstavlja statusni simbol, identitet, stil života. Turizam, osim odmora, predstavlja traganje za nečim novim i nepoznatim, no upravo takvo traganje može se odnositi i na samu hranu i napitke budući da turizam omogućava kušanje nove, nepoznate, specifične hrane za pojedino mjesto i ljude kojima je ona sastavni dio života. U novije doba razvoj gastronomije u određenoj sredini uvelike doprinosi razvoju ukupne turističke ponude te iste sredine. Republika Hrvatska je zemlja velike raznolikosti. U njoj se isprepliću različite klimatske i zemljopisne posebnosti, različita kulturološka nasljeđa, raznovrsne, za svako pojedino područje, tradicije, običaji, navike, specifičnosti pojedinih ruralnih kao i urbanih sredina. Slavonija i Baranja jedna je od poznatih gastro regija u Republici Hrvatskoj. Naime, slavonska ravnica je najveće plodno tlo u Hrvatskoj te je upravo ta plodnost rezultat raznovrsne i bogate slavonske i baranjske kuhinje. Slavonsku enogastronomiju odlikuju vrhunski, kvalitetni suhomesnati proizvodi, specijaliteti pripravljeni od riječnih riba, raznovrsne slastice kao i vrhunska vina. Osim prepoznatljive tradicionalne kuhinje, Slavonci su očuvali svoju bogatu tradiciju. U takvoj sredini razvila su se turistička seoska obiteljska gospodarstva čija je primarna djelatnost poljoprivreda. Takva gospodarstva imaju kao dopunsku djelatnost ugostiteljske usluge noćenja i hrane, a ono što ih čini posebnima je činjenica da gostima omogućuju potpuni doživljaj seoske i ruralne sredine te gost postaje dio obitelji domaćina. Kako anketni rezultati prikazuju, gosti su željni kušati tradicionalnu slavonsku kuhinju i vina, a sastojke za pripremu iste mogu pronaći u vrtu gospodarstva, dalje od velikih supermarketa i uvoznih proizvoda. |
Abstract (english) | Food represents one of the essential elements of human existential needs and as such is very worthy to analyze. In addition to the existential role, food today gains much greater significance. Therefore, it represents the status symbol, identity and lifestyle. Tourism, apart from leisure, represents a search for something new and unknown, but this kind of search can also be related to the food and drink itself, as tourism allows tasting of a new, unknown, specific foods that are in relation to particular place and people to whom it is an integral part of life. Nowadays, the development of gastronomy in a particular area greatly contributes to the development of the total tourist offer in that area. The Republic of Croatia is a land of great diversity. It combines different climatic and geographical features, different cultural heritage and diversity for each region , tradition, customs, habits and specificities of particular rural as well as urban regions. Slavonia and Baranja is one of the famous gastro regions in the Republic of Croatia. Additionally, the Slavonia has the most fertile ground in Croatia and that fruitfulness is the result of Slavonia und Baranja’s various and rich cuisine. Slavonian enogastronomy features top quality cut meats, then specialties made of a river fish, various delicacies as well as top quality wines. In addition to recognizable traditional cuisine, Slavons have preserved their rich traditions. In such an environment, family rural tourisms that have agriculture for primary activity have developed. Such businesses also, as a supplementary activity, offer catering services for overnight stays and food. What makes them special is the fact that guests enjoy a complete experience of rural and rural environment and the guest becomes a part of the host family. As the survey results show, the guests are eager to taste traditional Slavonian cuisine and wines. What is more important, the ingredients for their preparation can be found in the garden of the host farm, away from large supermarkets and imported products. Such family rural businesses have great potential for the growth of continental tourism in Slavonia and Baranja, and therefore are a source of income for family farms. |