Abstract | Cilj ovog rada bio je usporediti komponente prinosa ta dva hibrida i odrediti koji hibrid donosi bolje rezultate.
Uzgoj suncokreta zastupljen je u cijelome svijetu. Najvažniji cilj uzgoja suncokreta je urod zrna. Najčešće se uzgaja kao uljna
kultura, kako u Hrvatskoj, tako i u svijet. Na našem tržištu su dostupni većinom strani hibridi. Glavne komponente prinosa
suncokreta koje su mjerene u ovom istraživanju su visina stabljike, masa i promjer glavice, masa zrna glavice i broj sjemenki
po glavici, te prinos i uljnost dva strana hibrida. Hibrid NK Brio vlasnik je sijao već godinama, a hibrid Delicio CLP HO
sijan je prvi puta. Prosječna visina biljke iznosila je za hibrid H1 214,7 cm, a hibrid H2 165,5 cm što je za 49,2 cm manje od
hibrida H1. Prosječna masa glavice hibrida H1 bila je 162,5 g, a hibrid H2 140,6 g. Prosječan promjer glavice hibrida H1
iznosio je 20,9 cm, a hibrida H2 19,2 cm. Prosječna masa sjemenki glavice hibrida H1 bila je 115,9 g, za 18,7 g veća od
prosječne mase sjemenki H2 koja je iznosila 97,2 g. Prosječan broj sjemenki po glavici biljke za hibrid H1 iznosila je 1219,
a hibrid H2 838, što je za 381 manje od hibrida H1. Prinos hibrida H1 bio je 3,5 t/ha, a uljnost je iznosila 45,08. Hibrid H2
imao je prinos od 2,7 t/ha, a uljnost 44,57. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study was to compare the yield components of those two hybrids. Sunflower cultivation is present
all over the world. The most important goal of sunflower cultivation is grain yield. It is most often grown as an oil crop, both
in Croatia and around the world. Mostly foreign hybrids are available on our market. The main yield components of sunflower
that were measured in this research are stem height, head weight and diameter, head grain weight and number of seeds per
head, and yield and oil yield of two foreign hybrids. The NK Brio hybrid has been sown by the owner for years, and the
Delicio CLP HO hybrid has been sown for the first time. The average height of the plant was 214.7 cm for hybrid H1, and
165.5 cm for hybrid H2, which is 49.2 cm less than hybrid H1. The average mass of the head of hybrid H1 was 162.5 g, and
hybrid H2 140.6 g. The average diameter of the head of hybrid H1 was 20.9 cm, and hybrid H2 was 19.2 cm. The average
seed mass of the H1 hybrid head was 115.9 g, 18.7 g higher than the average H2 seed mass, which was 97.2 g. The average
number of seeds per plant head for the H1 hybrid was 1,219, and the H2 hybrid was 838. which is 381 less than the H1
hybrid. The yield of hybrid H1 was 3.5 t/ha, and the oil content was 45.08. Hybrid H2 had a yield of 2.7 t/ha, and an oil
content of 44.57. |