Abstract | Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi zajednice nematoda prije i nakon poplave u Gunji te utvrditi broj rodova
nematoda, promjene u brojnosti rodova, trofičke grupe, indekse uznemirenja (MI, PPI, PPI/MI, MI2-5), te
statistiku.Pokus je proveden u Gunji 2014. godine na kukuruzu te su rezultati uspoređivani sa kukuruzom koji
nije bio poplavljen, godinu dana ranije (2013. godine). Rađeno je sa četiri uzorka. Nematode su se iz tla
izdvajale metodom lijevaka u laboratoriju na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu u Osijeku. Nakon toga uslijedilo je
prebrojavanje i determinacija pod mikroskopom. Ovim istraživanjem utvrđeno je da je broj rodova nematoda
nakon poplave znatno opao. Prije poplave pronađeno je ukupno 26 rodova, a nakon poplave 18 rodova
nematoda. Zajednički rodovi nematoda prije i nakon poplave su: Eucephalobus, Rhabditis, Acrobeloides,
Cephalobus, Plectus, Panagrolaimus, Panagrobelus (bakterivore), Paratylenchus, Pratylenchus, Tylenchus,
Filenchus (fitoparazitne nematode), Aphelenchus, Ditylenchus, Aphelenchoides (fungivore), i Eudorylaimus,
Mesodorylaimus (omnivore). Zatupljenost trofičkih grupa u oba pokusa gotovo je jednaka; prije poplave
najzastupljenije su bile bakterivore, zatim fitoparazitne nematode dok su poslije poplave najzastuljnije bile
fitoparazitne nematode i bakterivore. Nakon poplave predatora nije bilo, a najmanje je bilo omnivora. Predatori
su se pojavili u pokusu rađenom prije poplave, ali u malom udjelu (1%). Najveći statistički značaj imao MI koji
je bio veći u 2014. godini zbog povećanog broja omnivora |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study was to determine nematode communities before and after flood in Gunja and to determine
the number of nematode genera, changes in the total number of genera, trophic groups and changes in their
community using MI, PPI. PPI/MI, MI2-5. Research was conducted in Gunja, 2014. on corn and the results are
compared with corn a year earlier (2013.) which wasn't flooded. In research we are used four samples.
Nematodes extracted from soil with bottle techniques in laboratory on Agriculture faculty in Osijek. Analyzing
the samples we have confirmed the number of nematodes that are determined by gender and classified by trophic
groups This research found that the total number of genera nematodes declined significantly after floods. The
total number of nematodes genera was 26 before flood and after flood 18. Following genera were present in all
samples in both research: Eucephalobus, Rhabditis, Acrobeloides, Cephalobus, Plectus, Panagrolaimus,
Panagrobelus (bacterivors), Paratylenchus, Pratylenchus, Tylenchus, Filenchus (herbivores), Aphelenchus,
Ditylenchus, Aphelenchoides (fungivors), i Eudorylaimus, Mesodorylaimus (omnivores). Trophic groups in both
researches was practically the same, before flood the most common was bacterivors, than herbivores, while after
the flood the most common nematodes were herbivores and then bacterivors. After flood, predators weren't
found and the least were found omnivores. Predators have been found before the flood but in a small proportion
(1%). The greatest statistical significance had have MI which was higher in 2014 due to the increased number of
omnivores. |