Abstract | Cilj rada je opisati kvalitetu mesa tovnih pilića. Pileće meso sadrži polinezasićene masne kiseline koje su esencijalne za čovjeka. Tovni pilići hranjeni krmnim smjesama s dodatkom animalnih masti sadržavali su više zasićenih masnih kiselina u mastima prsnih mišića, i to posebice palmitinske, stearinske i miristinske masne kiseline, u usporedbi s brojlerima koji su hranjeni krmnim smjesama s dodatkom biljnih masti. Zbog izuzetne kvalitete i visokog sadržaja bjelančevina te malog udjela masti i kolesterola smatra se da je meso peradi vrijedna nutritivna namirnica, koja se preporučuje u mnogim dijetama. Također, veoma je važan izvor vitamina B grupe, ali i vitamina A, C, D, E i K. U usporedbi s mesom ostalih domaćih životinja, pileće meso je bogatije proteinima jer je glavno spremište masti peradi pod kožom, a ne intramuskularno kao kod drugih domaćih životinja. Bijelo meso muških brojlera sadrži više masti od bijelog mesa ženskih brojlera (16,18% : 14,66%), a tamno meso mužjaka sadrži veći udio bjelančevina od ženki (18,32% : 17,60%), ali i manje vode (64,37% : 66,62%) i masti (11,85% : 13,9%). Na miris i okus pilećeg mesa prije svega utječe ishrana životinje pa tako krmiva biljnog podrijetla povećaju udio masnih kiselina. Meso ekološki uzgojenih pilića ima višu pH vrijednost od konvencionalno uzgojenih pilića te veći sadržaj bjelančevina, ali i manji sadržaj masti i pepela te manju masu |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this work is to explore the meat quality of broilers. Chicken meat contains polyunsaturated fat acids which are essential for humans. Broilers who were fed with feed mixture with the addition of animal fats contain more saturated fatty acids in the lipids of the chest muscles, and specialy palmitic, stearic and myristic fat acid, compared to the broilers, which were fed with the addition of vegetable fats. Due to the outstanding quality and high content of protein and low fat content and cholesterol, chickens meat is considered to be a very valuable nutritional foodstuff, which is recommended in many diets. Also, it is a very important source of vitamin B groups and vitamin A, C, D, E and K. Compared to other domestic animal meat, chicken meat is rich with proteins because it is a main storage of fat under the skin and not intramuscular which is the case with other domestic animals. White meat of male chickens contains more fat than white meat female broilers (16.18%: 14.66%), and the dark meat of males contains higher protein content than females (18.32%: 17.60%), but also less water (64.37%: 66.62%) and fats (11.85%: 13.9%). On a smell and taste of chicken meat primarily affects food which animals eat and the plant fodder increase the proportion of fatt acids. Meat from organic grown chickens have a higher pH value than conventionally grown chickens and higher protein content, but also lower fat and ash content and less weight. |