Abstract | U radu se istražuje utjecaj genotipa pataka (Pekinške patke i CherryValley) i sustava držanja (zatvoreni boksovi i boksovi
s ispustima) na kvalitetu pačjeg mesa. Ukupno 240 jednodnevnih pačića (120 kom od svakog genotipa) raspoređeno je u
4 skupine s po 20 jedinki u 3 ponavljanja. Skupine P1 i C1 činili su pačići pekinške patke i CherryValley hibrida koji su
držani u zatvorenim boksovima, a P2 i C2 činile su skupine pačića držanih u boksovima s ispustima. Genotip pataka,
uvjeti držanja i njihova interakcija nisu utjecali na završne tjelesne mase pačjih brojlera i klaoničke mase trupova
(P>0,05). Udjeli prsa, bataka za zabatacima i leđa u trupovima pačića bili su pod utjecajem genotipa (P=0,01), kao i
udjeli mišićnog tkiva u prsima (P<0,01). Vrijednosti pH mišićnog tkiva ovisile su o sustavu držanja (P=0,012). Boja
prsnog mesa ovisila je o ispitivanim čimbenicima. Na CIE L* vrijednost djelovao je sustav držanja (P=0,043), na CIE a*
vrijednost djelovali su sustav držanja (P=0,047) i genotip (P=0,022), kao što su na CIE b* vrijednost utjecali genotip
(P=0,017) i sustav držanja (P=0,036). Genotip pataka utjecao je na sadržaj proteina i vlage u mesu prsa (P=0,030). Sustav
držanja ima statistički značajan utjecaj (P<0,001) na TBARS vrijednosti (μg MDA/g tkiva). Interakcija genotipa i sustava
držanja bila je statistički značajna (P=0,001) samo za TBARS vrijednosti u mesu prsa. Oksidativni procesi u smrznutim
uzorcima prsa, zabataka i jetara pačjih brojlera odvijali su se tijekom 6 tjedana pod utjecajem istraživanih čimbenika
(P<0,05). Sustav držanja pačića imao je statistički značajan utjecaj na koncentraciju karbonil proteina u svježem mesu
zabataka (P=0,001) i u smrznutom mesu prsa (P=0,035). Genotip pataka (P<0,05) utjecao je na koncentraciju: C20:1n-9 i
CLA (c9, t11) u mesu prsa te C18:1n-9c, C18:1, C20:1n9 i C18:2n6 u mesu zabataka. Sustav držanja utjecao je na
koncentraciju C18:1n9C u mesu psa i koncentraciju C18:1, C17:0, C16:1 i C18:1 izomer C i n-3 PUFA u mesu zabataka.
Interakcija genotipa i sustava držanja bila je značajna za C14:1 i C18:1 izomer u mesu prsa, kao i C18:1n6c u mesu
zabataka (P<0,05). |
Abstract (english) | This study examines the effects of the genotype of the ducks (Peking duck and Cherry Valley) and keeping systems
(closed boxes and boxes with vents) on the quality of duck meat. A total of 240 one-day-old ducklings (120 ducklings of
each genotype) are arranged in four groups with 20 animals in three replications. Groups P1 and C1 consisted of
ducklings of the Peking ducks and Cherry Valley hybrids which are kept in closed boxes and P2 and C2 consisted of
groups of ducklings kept in boxes with vents. The genotype of the ducks, keeping conditions and their interaction did not
affect the final body weight of duck broilers and the weight of slaughter carcass (P˃0.05). Participation of breasts, thighs
with upper legs and the becks of the carcass of the ducklings were influenced by genotype (P=0.01), as well as the
portions of the muscle tissue of the chest (P˂0.01). The pH values of the muscle tissue depended on the keeping system
(P=0.012). The colour of the breast meat depended on studied factors. The keeping system (P=0.043) affected the CIE L*
value, the keeping system (P=0.047) and genotype (P=0.022) affected CIE a*, as well as the genotype (P=0.017) and the
keeping system (P=0.036) affected CIE b* value. The genotype of the ducks affected the content of the protein and
moisture of the meat of the breasts (P=0.030). Holding system has a statistically significant effect (P˂0.001) in TBARS
(ɲg MDA/g tissue). The interaction of the genotype and keeping system was statistically significant (P=0.001) only for
TBARS values of the breast meat. Oxidative processes of the frozen samples of the breasts, upper legs and livers of the
duck broilers have been conducted for six weeks under the influences of investigated factors (P˂0.05). Keeping system
of the ducklings had a statistically significant effect on the concentration of carbonyl protein in the fresh meat of the
upper legs (P=0.01) and in the frozen breast meat (P=0.035). The genotype of ducks (P˂0.05) affected the concentration
of: C20:1n-9 and CLA (c9, t11) in breast meat and C18:1n-9c, C18:1, C20:1n9 and C18:2n6 in upper leg meat. Keeping
system affected the concentration of C18:1n9C in breast meat and the concentration of C18:1, C17:0, C16:1 and C18:1
isomer C and n-3 PUFA in the upper leg meat. The interaction of the genotype and keeping system was significant for
C14:1 and C18:1 isomer in the breast meat, as well as C18:1n6c in the upper leg meat (P˂0.05). |