Abstract | Istraživanje je postavljeno na obiteljskom imanju u Petrijevcima (istočna Hrvatska) tijekom razdoblja vegetacije salate (Lactuca sativa L.) od 04. ožujka do 21. svibnja 2019. godine. Proučavan je utjecaj norme navodnjavanja i sorte na prinos i kvalitetu salate. Istraživanje je provedeno po split – plot shemi u tri ponavljanja. Tretmani navodnjavanja su se odvijali u tri različita obroka navodnjavanja: a1 = 5 l/m2, a2 = 10 l/m2, a3 = 15 l/m2. U istraživanju su korištene dvije sorte salate: kristalka (b1) i putarica (b2). Kada je salata dosegla punu zrelost, ubirano je po pet biljaka sa svake pokusne parcelice (ukupno osamnaest). Proučavan je utjecaj čimbenika na: prinos (kg/m2), masu glavice (kg), promjer glavice (cm), broj listova po glavici (n), duljinu korijena (cm), masu korijena (g) te promjer korijena (cm). Norma navodnjavanja koja je dodana tijekom razdoblja vegetacije salate bila je kako slijedi: na tretmanu navodnjavanja a1 = 20 mm, na tretmanu navodnjavanja a2 = 40 mm te na tretmanu navodnjavanja a3 = 60 mm. Značajno veći prinos (p < 0,05) ostvaren je kod sorte kristalka (b1, 3,63 kg/m2), dok navodnjavanje nije imalo statistički opravdan utjecaj. Također, sorta salate je značajno utjecala (p < 0,05) na masu glavice salate (b1, 0,38 g) i promjer glavice salate (b1, 32,96 cm). Što se tiče broja listova salate, zabilježen je značajan utjecaj navodnjavanja (p < 0,05) koji na a3 tretmanu iznosi 22 lista. Također je zabilježen značajan utjecaj (p < 0,05) interakcije a x b, odnosno navodnjavanje x sorta kod sorte kristalka (b1). Tretman navodnjavanja je značajno utjecao na duljinu korijena (p < 0,05) koji je kod a1 tretmana navodnjavanja iznosi 14,87 cm, dok kod promjera korijena nije uočen statistički opravdan utjecaj norme navodnjavanja ili sorte. |
Abstract (english) | The study was set up on a family estate in Petrijevci (eastern Croatia) during the lettuce vegetation (Lactuca sativa L.) from the 4th of March to the 21st of May, 2019. The influence of irrigation and variety on the yield and quality of lettuce was studied. The study was conducted according to a split - plot scheme in three repetitions. Irrigation treatments were performed in three different irrigation rations: a1 = 5 l/m2, a2 = 10 l/m2, a3 = 15 l/m2. Two varieties of lettuce were involved in the study: crystal (b1) and butterhead lettuce (b2). When the salad reached full maturity, five plants were harvested from each experimential plot (eighteen in total). The effect of the factors on: yield (kg/m2), head mass (kg), head diameter (cm), number of leaves per head, root length (cm), root mass (g) and root diameter (cm) were studied. The irrigation rate added during the lettuce vegetation period was as follows: on irrigation treatment a1 = 20 mm, on irrigation treatment a2 = 40 mm, and on irrigation treatment a3 = 60 mm. Significantly higher yield (p < 0.05) was achieved with the crystal lettuce variety (b1, 3.63 kg/m2), while irrigation had no statistically valid effect. Also, the lettuce variety significantly influenced (p < 0.05) the weight of (b1, 0,38 kg) and the diameter of the lettuce head (b1, 32,96 cm). Regarding the number of lettuce leaves, a significant influence of irrigation (p < 0.05) was observed, which at a3 treatment was 22 leaves, Also, a significant influence (p < 0,05) of the a x b interaction, i.e. irrigation x variety in the crystal lettuce variety (b1). Irrigation treatment had a significant effect on root length (p < 0.05), which was 14.87 cm with a1 irrigation treatment, whereas no statistically significant influence of irrigation or variety was observed with root diameter. |