Abstract | Poljoprivreda se, kao jedna od najstarijih ljudskih i gospodarskih djelatnosti, bavi uzgojem biljaka i životinja, prvenstveno radi proizvodnje hrane, a time se bavi i omogućuje si egzistenciju gotovo polovica čovječanstva. Cilj rada bio je opisati elemente klimatskih promjena i njihov utjecaj na proizvodnju žitarica kao glavnog izvora hrane te na osnovi dostupnih podataka analizirati mogućnosti prilagodbe i poboljšanja uzgoja žitarica u stresnim uvjetima uzrokovanim klimatskim promjenama. Klimatski ekstremi, poput čestih suša i poplava, izrazito niske odnosno visoke temperature, nanose velike štete poljoprivredi. Otkad postoje klimatska mjerenja, trenutna globalna prosječna temperatura je za oko 0,98°C viša nego u kasnom 19. stoljeću. Po pitanju uzroka, mišljenja su podijeljena, međutim, vodeći svjetski klimatološki znanstvenici smatraju da su ljudske aktivnosti gotovo sigurno glavni uzrok globalnog zagrijavanja. Nadalje, neizbježna je činjenica eksponencijalni rast ljudske populacije na Zemlji i podatak da gladuje 800 milijuna ljudi te da u svakoj minuti od posljedica gladi umire oko 25 osoba. U obzir treba uzeti da su površine za proizvodnju hrane ograničene i konstantno se smanjuju pa se rješenje uglavnom nazire u povećanju prinosa s jedinice površine. Međutim, spomenute klimatske pojave uzrokuju abiotski stres kod biljaka, odnosno otklon od normalnih uvjeta uzgoja što za posljedicu ima smanjenje prinosa, a u težim slučajevima i nemogućnost uzgoja. Dakle, promjena klime neupitno se i uočljivo odvija. S tim u vezi, zbog nemogućnosti upravljanja prirodnim uzrocima, preostaju napori čovječanstva da se klimatske promjene ublaže, a poljoprivredna proizvodnja prilagodi. |
Abstract (english) | Agriculture, as one of the oldest human and economic activities, is dealing with growing of plants and breding animals, primarily because of food production. Almost half of human kind is ensuring their subsistence by engaging in agriculture. The aim of this study was to describe the elements of climate change and their effect on cereal crops production as a main source of food and to analyze the possibilities of adaptation and improvement of crops production in stressful conditions caused by climate change based on available information. Climate extremes, such as frequent droughts and floods, extremely low and high temperatures are causing extensive damage to agriculture. Since the beginning of climate measurements current global average temperature is approximately 0,98 °C higher than in the late 19th century. There is a split of opinion regarding what caused this. However, the world's leading climate scientists consider human activities to be almost certainly the main cause of global warming. Furthermore, we cannot escape the fact that there is an exponential growth of human population on Earth alongside with more than 800 million people starving which results in 25 dead persons every minute. We should take into account that the food production areas are limited and are constantly being reduced so the solution being imposed is to increase yields per unit area. However, the mentioned climatic events are causing abiotic stress in plants, in other words they are causing a lack of normal growing conditions which results in reduction of yield or even impossibility of cultivation in severe cases. The climate change is happening and it is unquestionable and noticeable. Regarding this, due to impossibility to manage natural causes the only thing that remains are efforts of mankind to mitigate the climate change and to adapt the agricultural production. |