Abstract | Cilj diplomskog rada bio je ispitati utjecaj temperature na morfometrijske pokazatelje i klijanje na
različitim temperaturama u laboratorijskim uvjetima zraka od 5 °C, 10 °C, 15 °C i 20 °C. Ispitivan je različiti
utjecaj temperatura na energiju klijanja i ukupnu klijavost, prosječno vrijeme klijanja, brzinu klijanja, udio
normalnih i abnormalnih klijanaca, dužinu korijena, dužinu stabljike i ukupnu dužinu klijanaca šećerne repe.
Energija klijanja i ukupna klijavost je iznosila 97 %, prosječno vrijeme klijanja je 4,0, dok je brzina klijanja
iznosila 97%. Udio normalno razvijenih klijanaca je bio 95 %, a udio abnormalnih klijanaca 5 %. Najveća
dužina korijena klijanaca šećerne repe iznosila je 5,7 cm na 20 °C, a najmanja na 5 °C je iznosila 1,7 cm.
Prosječna dužina korijena klijanaca bila je 4,0 cm. Dužina stabljike klijanaca na 20 °C bila je 5,7 cm,
najmanja na 5 °C 1,3 cm. Prosječna dužina klijanaca šećerne repe iznosila je 7,0 cm. Najmanja ukupna dužina
klijanaca na 5 °C iznosila je 2,8 cm, a najveća na 20 °C 11,3 cm. Nakon provedenog istraživanja utvrđeno je
kako je šećerna repa ostvarila dobre rezultate klijanja pri temperaturi od 15 i 20 °C nego pri temperaturi od
5 i 10 °C. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of the thesis was to examine the influence of temperature on morphometric indicators and
germination at different temperatures in laboratory air conditions of 5 °C, 10 °C, 15 °C and 20 °C. The
different effects of temperature on germination energy and total germination, average germination time,
germination speed, proportion of normal and abnormal seedlings, root length, stem length and total length of
sugar beet seedlings were examined. Germination energy and total germination was 97 %, the average
germination time was 4.0, while the germination rate was 97 %. The proportion of normally developed
seedlings was 95 %, and the proportion of abnormal seedlings was 5 %. The largest root length of sugar beet
seedlings was 5.7 cm at 20 °C, and the smallest at 5 °C was 1.7 cm. The average length of the roots of the
seedlings was 4.0 cm. The length of the stem of the seedlings at 20 °C was 5.7 cm, the smallest at 5 °C was
1.3 cm. The average length of sugar beet seedlings was 7.0 cm. The smallest total length of seedlings at 5 °C
was 2.8 cm, and the largest at 20 °C was 11.3 cm. After the research, it was determined that sugar beet
achieved better germination results at temperatures of 15 and 20 °C than at temperatures of 5 and 10 °C. |