Abstract (english) | Table eggs are a good source of nutrients. The nutritional properties of eggs are influenced by the composition of laying hens’ feed mixtures. An important compo-nent in the feed mixtures are the oils, which, in addition to their energy value, are also important for the absorption of liposoluble vitamins. Oils differ in the content of fatty acids, which play a significant role in metabolism and health maintenance. The lipid indices, such as the atherogenic (AI), thrombogenic (TI), and hypo/hypercho-lesterolemic fatty-acid ratio index (HH), are used when evaluating the lipid-quality indicators in eggs. This study aimed to produce the eggs enriched with the n-3 PUFA and to determine which feeding treatment yields the eggs with the most favorable lipid quality. The three groups of layers (treatments A, B, and C) were used in the experiment, which were fed with the mixtures of a modified composition considering the oils and microalgae used. The mixtures were balanced at the level of 17% crude protein and 12.10 MJ/kg ME. The produced eggs were used for an analysis of fatty-acid content (SFA, MUFA, n-6 PUFA, and n-3 PUFA), on the basis of which the lipid indices were calculated. The research results of eggs from the A, B, and C feeding treatments showed that the AIs were 0.485, 0.476, and 0.453; the TIs were 0.802, 0.681, and 0.653, and the HH indices amounted to 2.976, 2.983, and 3.068. The activi-ties of the Λ5- and Λ6 desaturases in the synthesis of the n-6 PUFA and the n-3 PUFA in eggs differed between the feeding treatments. The influence of a composition of feed mixtures in the laying hens’ diet on the quality of lipid indices was determined, and the eggs from the treatment C had the most favorable health-lipid indices. |
Abstract (croatian) | Konzumna jaja dobar su izvor hranjivih tvari. Na hranjiva svojstva jaja utječe sastav krmne smjese za kokoši nesilice. Važna komponenta u krmnim smjesama su ulja, koja su osim energetske vrijednosti važna i za apsorpciju vitamina topljivih u mastima. Ulja se razlikuju po sadržaju masnih kiselina, koje imaju značajnu ulogu u metabolizmu i očuvanju zdravlja. Lipidni indeksi, kao što su aterogeni (AI), trombogeni (TI) i indeks omjera hipo-hiperkolesterolemičnih masnih kiselina (HH), koriste se pri procjeni pokazatelja kvalitete lipida u jajima. Ovo istraživanje imalo je za cilj proizvesti jaja obogaćena n-3 PUFA-om, te utvrditi iz kojega hranidbenog tretmana jaja imaju najpovoljniju kvalitetu lipida. U pokusu su korištene tri skupine nesilica (tretmani A, B i C) koje su hranjene smjesama modificiranoga sastava s obzirom na korištena ulja i mikroalge. Smjese su bile uravnotežene na razini 17 % sirovih proteina i 12,10 MJ/kg ME. Proizvedena jaja korištena su za analizu sadržaja masnih kiselina (SFA, MUFA, n-6 PUFA i n-3 PUFA), na temelju čega su izračunati lipidni indeksi. Rezultati istraživanja jaja iz hranidbenih tretmana A, B i C pokazali su da su AI 0,485, 0,476 i 0,453; TI su 0,802, 0,681 i 0,653, a HH indeksi 2,976, 2,983 i 3,068. Aktivnosti Λ5- i Λ6 desaturaza u sintezi n-6 PUFA i n-3 PUFA u jajima razlikovale su se između hranidbenih tretmana. Utvrđen je utjecaj sastava krmnih smjesa u hranidbi kokoši nesilica na kvalitetu lipidnih indeksa, a najpovoljnije zdravstvene lipidne indekse imala su jaja tretmana C. |