Description (english) | The data collected by the research as well as the processed data will be divided and classified according to the following data groups:
o Pedophysical and pedomechanical research parameters
o Chemical-biological research parameters
o Plant-breeding research parameters
o Climate projection analyses
o Economic analyses and projections
Some of the most important monitored/researched indicators, which belong to the previously mentioned data groups, are: Soil solid phase density, Soil bulk ... More density, Soil porosity and air capacity, Water retention capacity, Soil water permeability, Soil temperature, Stability of soil structural aggregates, Degree of soil compaction, Soil pH value, Hydrolytic acidity, Soil carbonate content, Soil organic carbon (SOC), Soil organic matter content (SOM), Active organic carbon, Soil electrical conductivity (EC), Humic acid and fulvic acid content, Available phosphorus and potassium content, Micronutrient concentration, Soil cation exchange capacity (CEC), Soil respiration, C/N ratio, Determination of soil microbial biomass, Determination of species of mycotoxicogenic molds to the genus level, determination of occurrence of phenological phases and biometric components of corn, soybeans and winter wheat, analysis of climate projections, economic analyzes and projections. Less |