Abstract | Cilj istraţivanja bio je ispitati proizvodnost i kvalitetu ozimih krmnih smjesa žitarica i mahunarki (pšenica s graškom, crna zob s graškom, raž s graškom i pir s grahoricom) u tri roka košnje u uvjetima istočne Hrvatske. Uprosječeno za sve smjese žitarica i mahunarki, prinosi ST rasli od vrlo niskih 3,4 t/ha u prvom roku (27. travanj 2015.), do osrednjih 6,5 t/ha u drugom roku (9. svibanj 2015.) i najvišega 9,7 t/ha u trećem roku (19. svibanj 2015.). U trećem roku košnje, najveći prinos ST pokazala je smjesa crne zobi s graškom (13,7 t/ha, u drugom roku košnje najveći prinos dala je smjesa raži s graškom (8,8 t/ha), i njoj je bila slična smjesa pšenice s graškom (8,2 t/ha), a u prvom roku košnje, kada su općenito ostvareni vrlo niski prinosi, najprinosnija je bila smjesa raži s graškom (5,3 t/ha), a sve ostale su bile znatno nižeg prinosa (manje od 3,9 t/ha). Takvi rezultati upućuju da je raž pogodna za proizvodnju krme u ranim rokovima košnje. Smjesa pira s grahoricom pokazala se najnižega prinosa u svim rokovima košnje. Udio mahunarki u prinosu ST, uprosječeno po svim rokovima bio je najveći kod smjese pira s grahoricom (33,5%), slijedila je pšenica s graškom (27,4%), pa crna zob s graškom (24,5%), i najmanji je bio kod raži s graškom (3,36%) zbog poznate kompeticijske sposobnosti raži nad drugim vrstama. Gledano po rokovima, najveći udio mahunarki bio je u drugom roku košnje, kada su mahunarke bile u fazi cvatnje (33,2%), dok je u trećem roku bio 18%, i u prvom roku 15,4%. Sadržaj sirovih bjelančevina u ST bio je, uprosječeno po rokovima, najviši kod smjese pšenice s graškom (18,2%), slijedila je smjesa pira s grahoricom (18,2%), crne zobi s graškom (15,5%), a najmanji je bio kod smjese raži s graškom (10,45). Uprosječeno po smjesama, najveći sadržaj sirovih bjelančevina bio je u drugom roku košnje (17,3%), zatim u drugom roku košnje (16,7%) i najmanji u trećem roku košnje (12,6%). Ova anomalija uzrokovana je neočekivano niskom koncentracijom bjelančevina izmjerenom u raži u prvom roku košnje (10,1%) u razvojnoj fazi krajem vlatanja. Smjesa pira s grahoricom pokazala je najvišu koncentraciju sirovih bjelančevina u trećem roku košnje (14,8%) ali uz prenizak prinos, a da bi se ista opcija mogla preporučivati za proizvodnu praksu. Smjese pšenice i crne zobi pokazale su se favoritima u drugom i trećem roku košnje, kako zbog visokih prinosa, tako i zbog visoke kvalitete |
Abstract (english) | Aim of the research was to enquire the productivity and quality of winter forage mixtures of cereals and legumes (wheat + pea, black oats + pea, rye + pea, spelt + vetch) in the three cutting terms, in conditions of the east Croatia. When averaged across all the mixtures, DM yields were growing from the very low 3,4 t/ha in the 1st cutting term (27th April 2015), to medium 6,5 t/ha in the 2nd cutting term (9th May 2015), to the maximum of 9,7 t/ha in the 3rd cutting term (19th May 2015). In the 3rd cutting term the highest yield was achieved by the black oats + pea mixture (13,7 t/ha). In the 2nd cutting term the highest yielding mixture was of rye + pea (8,8 t/ha) and slightly lower was the wheat + pea mixture (8,2 t/ha). In the 1st cutting term, when the yields were generally low, the highest yielding mixture was of rye + pea (5,3 t/ha), and all the others were much lower (below 3,9 t/ha). Such a results point out the rye is suitable for the early cutting terms. The spelt + vetch mixture exhibited the lowest yields in all the cutting terms. Legume partition in the DM yield, when averaged across all the cutting terms, was highest in the spelt + vetch mixture (33,5%), followed by wheat + pea mixture (27,4%), and by black oats + pea (24,5%), while the least legume partition was observed in the rye + pea mixture (3,4%) due to the rye’s competitiveness over the pea. When averaged across all the mixtures, the highest legume partition was observed in the 2nd cutting term (33,2%), when the legumes were bolting, followed by the 3rd cutting term (18%) and the 1st cutting term (15,4%). Crude protein content in the DM yield, when averaged over all the cutting terms, was highest in wheat + pea mixture (18,2%), followed by the spelt + pea mixture (18,1%), and black oat + pea mixture (15,5%, and least one was in the rye + pea mixture (10,5%). When averaged over all the mixtures, the highest crude protein content was observed in the 2nd cutting term (17,3%), followed by the 1st cutting term (16,7%) and the least one was in the 3rd cutting term (12,6%). This unconventionality was caused by the extraordinary low crude protein concentration observed in rye in the 1st cutting term (10,1%) in the developmental phase end of booting. Spelt + pea mixture has shown the highest crude protein concentration in the 3rd cutting term (14,8%) what was unfortunately associated with too low DM yield for considering for the practical forage production. Wheat + pea and black oat + pea mixtures both exhibited an excellent performance because the high yield was associated with the high quality. |