Sažetak | Veličina kationsko izmjenjivačkog kapaciteta tla, odnosno zasićenost tla kationima predstavlja važno svojstvo za ishranu bilja. Veličina sorpcije nekog tla može se odrediti brojnim metodama koje se međusobno razlikuju kao i rezultati dobiveni tim metodama. Zbog toga je cilj rada bio provesti pet različitih ekstrakcijskih metoda kao što je Mehlich 3 (pH 2,5), zatim metode sa: amonijevim laktatom (pH 3,75), amonijevim acetat-etilendiamin-tetraacetatom (pH 4,65), amonijevim acetatom (pH 7) i barijevim kloridom (pH 8,2). Za usporedbu je prikupljeno i analizirano 200 uzoraka tala istočne Hrvatske (do 30 cm dubine) koji su podijeljeni u dvije grupe prema sadržaju karbonata. Analize su obuhvaćale osnovna kemijska i fizikalna svojstva tla kao što su: humus, pH, karbonati, tekstura. Veličina KIK-a određena AA metodom kretala se od 4,46 cmol(+)kg-1 do 25,14 cmol(+)kg-1, a BaCl2 metodom između 4,12 cmol(+)kg-1 i 31,88 cmol(+)kg-1. Metodama AA i BaCl2 dobivena je najmanja prosječna vrijednost KIK-a u odnosu na metode: Mehlich 3, AA EDTA i AL. Na temelju rezultata AA metode može se zaključiti da kalcij zauzima 66,53 % KIK-a, magnezij 13,43 %, kalij 1,75 %, natrij 0,61 %, a kiseli kationi 40,66 %. Statistički značajne korelacije utvrđene su između AA i Mehlich 3 metode (r=0,86), AA i AA EDTA (r=0,80), AA i AL (0,75) u uzorcima sa sadržajem karbonata ispod 3,5 %. Također u istim uzorcima utvrđena je statištički značajna korelacija između BaCl2 i AA metode (0,59), Mehlich 3 (r=0,78), BaCl2 i AA EDTA metode (r=0,74) i BaCl2 i AL metode (0,64). Modeli predviđanja KIK-a kreirani su za AA i BaCl2 metode, a na temelju osnovnih svojstava tala (pH, humusa, praha i gline). Dobivena pouzdanost kreiranih modela upućuje na to da mogu dati nove podatke na temelju sadržaja samo humusa ili gline. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Cation exchange capacity of the soil or soil cation saturation is a valuable characteristic for plant nutrition. Value of soil absorption could be determine by a large number of methods which differs as well as their results. The aim of this research was to compare five different extraction methods: Mehlich 3 (pH 2,5), ammonium lactate-acetic acid (3,75), ammonium acetat-etilendiamin-tetraacetat (pH 4,65), ammonium acetate (pH 7), barium chloride (pH 8,2). For this purpose two hundered samples (depth 30 cm) were collected in the east part of Croatia and divided in two groups by the carbonate content. On selected soil samples basic soil analises methods have been done such as: organic matter, pH reaction of soil, soil carbonate concentration and texture. CEC levels determined by AA method were between 4,46 cmol(+)kg-1 and 25,14 cmol(+)kg-1 , by BaCl2 method between 4,12 cmol(+)kg-1 and 31,88 cmol(+)kg-1. The average level of the CEC determined by these two methods were the lowest in comparison with Mehlich 3, AA EDTA and AL methods. Based on the results of AA method it can be concluded that Calcium participate with 66,53%, Magnesium with 13,43%, Potasium with 1,75%, Sodium with 0,61% and acid cations with 40,66% in overall CEC. Statisticaly signifficant correlations have been determined between AA and Melich 3 methods (r=0,86), AA and AA EDTA (r=0,80), AA and AL (r=0,75) in samples with carbonate content less than 3,5%. In these samples statisticaly signifficant correlation was also determined between BaCl2 and AA method (0,59), BaCl2 and Mehlich 3 (r=0,78), BaCl2 and AA EDTA (r=0,74) and BaCl2 and AL method (0,64). Predicting models for CEC were created for AA and BaCl2 methods on grounds of basic soil properties (pH, organic matter, silt, clay). Their advantage is creating new data on basis of clay or organic matter content. |