Sažetak | Cilj diplomskog rada bio je ispitati utjecaj suše induciran polietilen glikolom (PEG 6000) u koncentracijama od 3% i 6% i različitim temperaturama zraka (25℃, 17℃ i 9℃) na klijavost i parametre klijavosti pšenice (energija klijanja, ukupna klijavost, broj korijena, dužina korijena, dužina koleoptile, dužina izdanka, ukupna dužina, masa svježih i suhih klijanaca). . Prosječne vrijednosti za promatrane parametre klijavosti bile su: 95,3% za energiju klijanja, 94,8% za ukupnu klijavost, 5,63% za deformirane/nerazvijene sjemenke, 3,98 za ukupan broj korijena, 9,30 cm za dužinu korijena, 3,95 cm za dužinu koleoptile, 5,98 cm za dužinu izdanka, 15,30 cm za ukupnu dužinu klijanaca, 5,91 g za masu svježe tvari klijanaca i 1,52 g za masu suhe tvari klijanaca. Nakon provedenog istraživanja zaključeno je kako temperatura i interakcija tretmana PEG-a i temperature ima statistički značajan utjecaj na sve promatrane parametre klijavosti, osim na ukupnu klijavost i postotak deformiranog i nerazvijenog sjemena. Primjena PEG-a u koncentracijama od 3% i 6% nije bila signifikantna niti za jedan ispitivan parametar klijanaca pšenice. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of the thesis was to examine the influence of drought induced by polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) in concentrations of 3 % and 6 % and different air temperatures (25℃, 17℃ and 9℃) on germination and germination parameters of wheat (germination energy, total germination, number of roots, root length, coleoptile length, shoot length, total length, mass of fresh and dry seedlings). The research was conducted in the laboratory of the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek in 2023.Average values for the observed germination parameters were: 95.3 % for germination energy, 94.8 % for total germination, 5.63 % for deformed/underdeveloped seeds, 3.98 for total number of roots, 9.30 cm for root length , 3.95 cm for coleoptile length, 5.98 cm for shoot length, 15.30 cm for total seedling length, 5.91 g for seedling fresh matter mass and 1.52 g for seedling dry matter mass.After the research, it was concluded that temperature and the interaction of PEG treatment and temperature have a statistically significant effect on all observed germination parameters, except for total germination and the percentage of deformed and undeveloped seeds. Application of PEG in concentrations of 3 % and 6 % was not significant for any of the tested parameters of wheat seedlings. |