Sažetak | Bonitet zemljišta predstavlja ocjenu prirodne fizikalne, kemijske i biološke sposobnosti zemljišta za uzgoj pojedinih kultura. Prilikom određivanja bonitetne klase zemljišta, potrebno je provesti opći bonitet zemljište nakon čega se provodi korekcija bonitetnih bodova. Opći bonitet zemljišta boduje se od 7 bonitetnih bodova sve do 100 bodova, a isto vrijedi i za bonitet tla, dok se bonitet klime i reljefa boduje se od 7 do 10 bonitetnih bodova. Negativni postotci bonitetnih bodova ostvaruju se uslijed utjecaja stjenovitosti i kamenitosti, utjecaju i učestalosti poplava, ekspoziciji terena i ostalih ograničenja u proizvodnji. Nakon što se uzmu u obzir sva ograničenja nekog zemljišta, dodjeljuju se negativni postotci bonitetnih bodova, koji se uvrštavaju u formulu izračuna boniteta zemljišta. Rezultat dobiven formulom svrstava se u jednu od četiri bonitetne klase, a one su redom: P1- osobito vrijedna obradiva zemljišta s 80 do 100 bodova, P2- vrijedna obradiva zemljišta s 60 do 79 bodova, P3- ostala obradiva zemljišta s 40 do 59 bodova i PŠ- ostala poljoprivredna zemljišta s 7 do 39 bodova. Tokom istraživanja provedene su slijedeća mjerenja: mjerenje pH vrijednosti tla, sadržaja organske tvari u tlu, određivanje teksture tla, mjerenje količine kalcijevog karbonata u tlu, određivanje sadržaja fosfora i kalija u tlu AL-metodom, mjerenje hidrolitičke kiselosti tla, poroznosti tla, određivanje retencijskog kapaciteta tla za vodu i kapaciteta za zrak, mjerenje zbijenosti tla penetrometrom, mjerenje propusnosti tla za vodu i infiltracije i kao zadnje mjerenje kationskog izmjenjivačkog kompleksa tla. Nakon provedenih mjerenja, istraživanja i samog boniteta zemljišta zaključuje se da je zbog teksture tla, povoljne dubine tla i dubine podzemne vode te povoljne klime i reljefa zemljište na lokaciji Belica s ostvarenih 66 bonitetnih bodova najkvalitetnije, dok je zemljište na lokaciji Oriovac, zbog loše dreniranosti, dubine glejnog horizonta, alkalne pH reakcije tla te ponajviše zbog visokog udjela gline u teksturi tla koja prelazi 60%, najlošije te ostvaruje niskih 49 bonitetnih bodova. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Land quality is an assessment of the natural physical, chemical and biological ability of the land to grow certain crops. When determining the credit rating class of land, it is necessary to carry out a general credit rating of the land, after which the correction of credit points is carried out. The general credit rating of the land is scored from 7 credit points up to 100 points, and the same applies to the credit rating of the soil, while the credit rating of the climate and relief is scored from 7 to 10 credit points. Negative percentages of credit points are achieved due to the influence of rockiness, the impact and frequency of floods, the exposure of the terrain, and other limitations in production. After taking into account all the limitations of a land, negative percentages of credit points are assigned, which are included in the formula for calculating the credit rating of the land. The result obtained by the formula is classified into one of four rating classes, which are: P1- particularly valuable arable land with 80 to 100 points, P2- valuable arable land with 60 to 79 points, P3- other arable land with 40 to 59 points and PŠ - other agricultural lands with 7 to 39 points. During the research, the following measurements were carried out: measurement of soil pH, soil organic matter content, determination of soil texture, measurement of the amount of calcium carbonate in the soil, determination of phosphorus and potassium content in the soil using the AL method, measurement of soil hydrolytic acidity, soil porosity, determination of retention soil capacity for water and air capacity, measurement of soil compaction with a penetrometer, measurement of soil permeability for water and infiltration, and finally measurement of the cation exchange complex of the soil. After the measurements, research and the bonitization of the land, it is concluded that due to the texture of the soil, the favorable depth of the soil and the depth of the underground water, as well as the favorable climate and relief, the land in the Belica location with 66 creditworthiness points is the highest quality, while the land in the Oriovac location is due to poor drainage, the depth of the gley horizon, the alkaline pH reaction of the soil and mainly due to the high proportion of clay in the soil texture, which exceeds 60%, the worst and achieves a low 49 credit rating points. |