Abstract | Osnovni cilj rada je analiza proizvodnje i skladištenja pšenice na PG Rastina tijekom dva vegetacijska razdoblja 2014./2015. i 2015./2016. uz primjenu agrotehničkih mjera koje PG Rastina provodi. U prvom promatranom razdoblju pšenica se sijala na 20,72 ha ili 14,8% obradivih poljoprivrednih površina, dok se u drugom razdoblju sijala na 23,51 ha ili 14,8% obradivih površina. Vremenske prilike su bile specifične s različitim rasporedom oborina. Obje vegetacijske godine su bile toplije u usporedbi s višegodišnjim prosjekom (1986.-2013.). Tijekom vegetacijske 2014./2015. godine u listopadu (optimalni rok sjetve pšenice) zabilježeno je 85 mm oborina zbog čega je sjetva obavljena u kasnijim rokovima. Unatoč nepogodama prinosi na PG Rastina u 2015. godini bili su iznadprosječni. Prosječna vlažnost zrna sorte BC Anica iznosila je 13,2 %, hektolitarska masa 80,4 kg/hL, primjese 2,4, i sadržaj proteina od 11,2 % do 13,8 %. Prinos sorte BC Anica iznosio 7,0 t/ha. Prosječna vlažnost zrna sorte RWA Graindor je bila 12,2 %, hektolitarska masa 81,0 kg/hL, primjese 3,0 s prosječnim sadržajem proteina 10,5 % do 11,0 %. Prinos sorte RWA Graindor bio je 7,5 t/ha. Sljedeće promatrano razdoblje je bilo povoljnije od prošlogodišnjeg razdoblja. Pšenica je posijana u optimalnom roku (20.10.-23.10). Tijekom cijele vegetacije pšenica je bila u dobrom stanju što je rezultat dobre pripreme i općenito pravodobne i pravilne primjene agrotehnike u ratarskoj proizvodnji. Godine 2016. prosječna vlaga sorte RWA Athlon iznosila je 13,5 %, hektolitarska masa 81,0 kg/hL, primjese 3,4 s prosječnim sadržajem proteina 12,5 % do 14,0 %. Prinos sorte RWA Athlon iznosio je 7,5 t/ha. Prosječna vlažnost zrna sorte pšenice RWA Graindor bila je 13,0 %, hektolitarska masa 79,6 kg/hL, primjese 2,0 sa sadržajem proteina od 10,8 % do 11 %. Prinos sorte RWA Graindor iznosio je 7,8 t/ha. U oba promatrana razdoblja postignuti su visoki prinosi pšenice uz slabiju kvalitetu zrna pri čemu je sadržaj proteina varirao između sorti i godine uzgoja. S obzirom na nisku otkupnu cijenu pšenice u obje godine na gospodarstvu su se opredijelili za količinsku proizvodnju pšenice, odnosno proizvodnju visoko prinosnih sorti sa slabijom kvalitetom. Sva proizvedena pšenica se skladišti u vlastitim skladišnim kapacitetima jer PG Rastina otkupljuje i skladišti žitarice i uljarice sa skladišnim kapacitetima 5200 tona što dodatno olakšava tržišnu manipulaciju žitaricama. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study was analyze the production and storage of winter wheat at Agricultural Enterprise Rastina during two vegetation periods 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. In the first observed period, wheat was sown on 20.72 ha or 14.8 % of farmland area, while in the second period wheat occupies 23.51 ha or 14.8 % of the cultivable area. The weather conditions were specific to different precipitation schedules. Both years were warmer according to a multi-year average (1986-2013). During vegetation 2014/2015 in October (optimum wheat sowing time), 85 mm precipitation was recorded, which was the main reason of delaying of wheat sowing. Despite that, the yield of wheat in 2004/2015 were above average. In 2014/2015 the average grain moisture content of cultivar Anica was 13.2 %, a hectolitre weight of 80.4 kg/hL, admixure of 2.4, with a protein content of 11.2 % to 13.8 %. Yield of Anica amounted to 7.0 t/ha. The average grain moisture content of the RWA cultivar Graindor variety was 12.2 %, hectolitre weight 81.0 kg/hL, admixture 3.0, with an average protein content of 10.5 % to 11.0 %. The yield of the RWA Graindor variety was 7.5 t/ha. In 2015/2016 vegetation, the weather conditions were more favourable than last year's period. Wheat was sown in the optimal time. During entire vegetation the wheat was in good condition as a result of good soil preparation and in general the timely and correct application of agrotechnics in the crop production. In 2015/2016 the average moisture content of the RWA cultivar Athlon was 13.5 %, a hectolitre weight of 81.0 kg/hL, admixture 3.4, with an average protein content of 12.5 % to 14.0 %. The yield of the RWA cultivar Athlon was 7.5 t/ha. The average grain moisture of wheat grain RWA Graindor was 13.0%, hectolitre weight 79.6 kg/hL, admixture 2.0, with protein content from 10.8 % to 11 %. Grain yield of RWA cultivar Graindor was 7.8 t/ha. In both observed periods high yields of wheat were achieved with lower grain quality, whereby the protein content varied between varieties and years of breeding. Due to the low purchase price of wheat in both years, AE Rastina optimised for the quantity of wheat production; the production of high yield varieties with lower quality. All produced wheat was stored in its own storage capacity as AE Rastina buys and stores cereals and oilseeds with a storage capacity of 5200 tonnes which further facilitates market manipulation of grain. |