Abstract | Engleski koker španijel najpopularniji je i jedan od najstarijih španijela. Spada u VIII. FCI skupinu – Retriveri (donasači), dizači divljači (šunjkavci), psi za vodu. Iako je lovački pas, često je i kućni ljubimac. Živahan je, snažan i ima jak kostur. Visina kod mužjaka od 39 do 40 cm, a u ženke od 38 do 39 cm. Ne smije biti viči od 41 cm. Uške su mu vrlo dugačke i prekrivene mekanom dlakom. Najčešće je crne ili smeđe boje. Jednobojan može imati bijele oznake na grudima. Ima ih i žute, narančastih i crvenih boja. Mogu biti i šareni, dvobojni i trobojni. Okretan je, pametan, vjeran i odan. Posebna mu je odlika živahan temperament. Neumorno radi u lovu, pronalazi, hvata i donosi pernatu ili dlakavu divljač, bez obzira je li je mrtva ili ranjena i sposobna bježati. Mora proći posebnu obuku da bi ostao u radu na domet puške. Za dizače se priređuju utakmice, kao i za sve druge lovačke pse. Posebno se ispituju mladi, a i stariji psi na utakmicama na kojima se ispituju samo urođena svojstva, dok se za izvježbane pse priređuje svestrana utakmica, na kojoj pas mora pokazati da je uistinu svestrano upotrebljiv za sitnu i krupnu divljač. Njega pasa se sastoji u čišćenju njegove kože i dlake, kupanju, uočavanju eventualnih ozljeda, čišćenju ušiju i očiju, odsijecanju noktiju i skidanju zubnog kamenca. Budući da naginje debljanju, treba ga pažljivo hraniti; dnevno 200 do 250 g mesa, 60 do 80 g riže te kuhanog povrća. Njegova dlaka traži često četkanje, a osjetljive oči i uši zahtijevaju dobru njegu da ne dođe do upale i da se ne nastane krpelji i nakupe trave |
Abstract (english) | One of the oldest spaniels and most popular is and english cocker spaniel. It belongs in VIII. FCI group – retrievers (bringers), setter game, water dogs. It is known that every house in Although he is a hunting dog, he has also became a house pet. He is very active, cheery and strong, with a strong skeleton. Height of an average male is 39-40 centimeters, and of an average female 38-39 cm. He must not be taller than 41 cm. His ears are very long and covered with soft hair. Usually he is solid black or brown color but there are specimens of yellow, orange, red color even multicolored (two or three colors). If he is of one color, he can have white marks on his chest. He is agile, intelligent, faithful and loyal. One of his most distinctive feature is his active and perky temperament. In the hunt works tirelessly, finds, catches and brings feathered or hairy venison whether dead or wounded and able to flee. He has to be put through a special train in order to be accustomed to a gunshot. Matches are also being organized for a setter game dogs as well as for all other hunting dogs. The young dogs are specially being tested as well as the older dogs for innate properties while there is a versatile match for trained dogs in which the dog has to prove itself usable for both small and big venisons. Dog care consists of cleaning his skin and hair, bathing, spotting potential injuries, ear and eye cleaning, nail clipping and removal of dental scale. Since it tends to gain weight, it should be carefully fed, 200-250 g of meat a day, 60 to 80 g of rice and cooked vegetables. His coat requires brushing often and sensitive eyes and ears require good care to avoid infection and to prevent ticks and accumulations of grass. |