Abstract | U Hrvatskoj zbog velike klimatske i zemljišne raznolikosti i duge tradicije u uzgoju povrća javlja se veliki broj sorti i ekopopulacija povrća. Luk, ljutika i luk kozjak, u priobalnim predjelima Hrvatske nazivan još i škalonja, podrazumijevaju genetski i morfološki različite vrste roda Allium, koje se zbog sličnosti u određenim svojstvima grupiraju zajedno pod jednim nazivnikom i razlikuju od luka (Allium cepa L.). Zajednička svojstva koja posjeduju su vegetativno razmnožavanje putem busena podzemnih lukovica, te uska povezanost i sličnost sa običnim lukom Allium cepa L. Kolekcija primki lokalnih sorti sakupljena je na području čitave Hrvatske, a uzgaja se, ispituje i čuva u kolekcijskom nasadu na Institutu za poljoprivredu i turizam. Primke iz kolekcije opisane su i grupirane u dvije vrste: A. cepa Aggregatum kojoj pripadaju 21 primke i A. × cornutum sa 7 primki. Praćena su i bilježena osnovna fenotipska svojstva i komponente prinosa pa su od fenotiskih svojstva zabilježeni promjer i visina busena, broj biljaka u busenu, vegetacijski indeks te indeks sadržaja klorofila. Nakon berbe zabilježene su komponente prinosa: masa busena, broj lukovica u busenu, masa lukovice te prinos busena (t/ha) i vanjska boja ljuske lukovice. Napravljena je analiza varijance unutar grupa (primke) i između grupa (vrste). Nakon analize varijance kod fenotipskih svojstva utvrđeno je kako postoji opravdana razlika (p ≤ 0.001) između A. x cornutum (ljutika) i A. cepa Aggregatum grupe (luk kozjak) u mjerenim svojstvima: promjeru busena, visini busena, broju lukavica u busenu i vegetacijskom indeksu (NDVI), ali nije utvrđena statistički opravdana razlika (p = 0,945) u indeksu sadržaja klorofila između vrsta A. x cornutum (ljutika) i A. cepa Aggregatum grupe (luk kozjak). Kod komponente prinosa po vrsti nakon analize varijance utvrđeno je da postoji opravdana razlika (p ≤ 0.001) u broju lukovica/busena, masi busena i prinosu busena (t/ha), ali kod mjerenja mase lukovica nije utvrđena statistički opravdana razlika (p = 0,775). Pri određivanju vanjske boje ljuske lukovice A. x cornutum i A. cepa Aggregatum grupe nakon analize varijance utvrdili smo da postoji opravdan razlika samo za komponentu b*, dok komponente L* i a* nisu bile signifikantno različite. Analizom navedenih svojstava definirane su osnovne karakteristike primki u kolekciji te se na temelju tih saznanja može izdvojiti one lokalne sorte koje su pogodnije za uzgoj i očuvanje kao izvor biološke raznolikosti. |
Abstract (english) | In Croatia, due to the great climatic and soil diversity and long tradition in vegetable growing, a large number of varieties and ecopopulations of vegetables occur. Onions and shallots, also called škalonja in the coastal areas of Croatia, imply genetically and morphologically different species of the Allium genus, which due to their similarity in certain properties are grouped together under one denominator and differ from onions (Allium cepa L.). They possess common properties such as vegetative propagation by sod of underground bulbs, and close connection and similarity with the common onion Allium cepa L. The collection of accessions of native cultivars collected all over Croatia is grown, researched and preserved at the Institute of Agriculture and Tourism. Accessions from the collection are described and grouped into two species: A. cepa Aggregatum, to which 21 accessions belong and A. × cornutum with 7 accessions. The basic phenotypic properties and yield components were monitored and recorded, among which the diameter and height of the sod, the number of plants in the sod, the vegetation index and the chlorophyll content index were recorded. After harvesting, the components of yield were recorded: the mass of the sod, the number of bulbs in the sod, the mass of the bulb and the yield of sod (t/ha) and the outer color of the bulb shell. An analysis of variance within groups (accessions) and between groups (species) was made. After analyzing the variance in phenotypic traits, it was found that there is a significant difference (p ≤ 0.001) between A. x cornutum (shallots) and A. cepa Aggregatum group in the following measured traits: sod diameter, sod height, number of bulbs in the sod and vegetation index (NDVI), but no statistically significant difference (p = 0.945) in the chlorophyll content index was found between species A. x cornutum and A. cepa Aggregatum group. In the yield component by species, after analysis of variance, it was found that there is a significant difference (p ≤ 0.001) in the number of bulbs per sod, sod mass and sod yield (t/ha), but no statistically significant difference was found when comparing bulb mass (p = 0.775). In determining the external color of the bulb shell of A. x cornutum and A. cepa Aggregatum group after analysis of variance, we found that there is a significant difference only for component b*, while components L* and a* were not significantly different. The analysis of the above-mentioned characteristics defines the basic characteristics of the accessions in the collection, and on the basis of this knowledge, we can mark out those local varieties that are more suitable for cultivation and preservation as a source of biological diversity. |