Abstract | Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati učinkovitost različitih oblika zaštite na pojavu i intenzitet zaraze s B. cinerea na kultivaru Cabernet sauvignon u vinogorju Đakovo te utvrditi razlike u kvalitativnim i kvantitativnim karakteristikama grožđa koje se javljaju pri primjeni različitih oblika zaštite s obzirom na zarazu uzrokovanu sivom plijesni. Istraživanje je provedeno u periodu od tri godine na Vinogradarsko-vinarskom pokušalištu Fakulteta agrobiotehničkih znanosti Osijek. Od kemijskih sredstava korišteni su Teldor SC 500 i Switch 62,5 WG, od bioloških preparata korišteni su preparati Trichodex WP i Serenade. Agro-ampelotehničke mjere obuhvaćale su: uklanjanje bazalnih listova i zaperaka, propuhivanje grozdova i primjenu kalcijevog klorida. Prosječan urod po trsu u 2015. godini iznosio je 1,18 kg, u 2016. godini 5,32 kg, a 2017. godini 3,18 kg. Prosječan sadržaj šećera u moštu bio je od 87,96 °Oe (2016.) do 97 °Oe (2017.). Ukupna kiselost mošta kretala se od 5,29 g/L (2015.) do 11,13 g/L (2016.). Prosječna vrijednost pH mošta bila je u rasponu od 3,18 (2016.) do 3,55 (2015.). Sadržaj ukupnih polifenola bio je od 442,42 mg/L (2015.) do 848,05 mg/L (2017.). Najmanji sadržaj ukupnih antocijana iznosio je 127,60 mg/L (2015.), a najveći 328,14 mg/L (2017.). Najmanja antioksidacijska aktivnost utvrđena je u 2015. godini (7,90 mg GAE/100 g), a najveća u 2017. godini (28,45 mg GAE/100 g). Najmanji postotak polimerne boje iznosio je 5,03 % (2017.), a najveći 21,28 % (2015.). Ocjena bolesti odrađena je prema EPPO skali (2001.) te je prosječna ocjena u 2015. godini iznosila 3,96. U 2016. godini utvrđena je sporadična prisutnost bolesti (1,25) na jednom tretmanu (konvencionalna zaštita botriticidima), dok u 2017. godini kod svih tretmana prisutnost bolesti nije zabilježena. Analizom varijance nije utvrđen statistički značajan utjecaj tretmana na ispitivane parametre niti je interakcija tretmana i godine bila značajna, osim u slučaju razlika u urodu kod tretmana skup ampelotehničkih mjera i primjena kalcijevog klorida za 2016. i 2017. godinu. Utvrđen je statistički značajan utjecaj godine na sve ispitivane parametre |
Abstract (english) | intensity of B. cinerea infection on the cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon in the Đakovo vineyards and to determine the differences in qualitative and quantitative parameters that occur when applying different forms of protection with regard to infection caused by gray mold. The research was conducted for a period of three years at a Viticulture and winemaking experimental station Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek. Fungicides that were used were Teldor SC 500 and Switch 62.5 WG, and biofungicides Trichodex WP and Serenade. Ampelotechnical measures include: removal of basal leaves and cotyledons, blowing of clusters and application of Calcium Chloride. The average value of yield per vine in 2015 was 1.18 kg, in 2016 5.32 kg, and in 2017 3.18 kg. The average sugar content in the must ranged from 87.96 °Oe (2016) to 97 °Oe (2017). Total acidity was measured in the range of 5.29 g / L (2015) to the highest measured 11.13 g / L (2016). For the pH level, the average value ranged from 3.18 (2016) to 3.55 (2015). Total polyphenols ranged from 442.42 mg / L (2015) to 848.05 mg / L (2017). The lowest content of total anthocyanins was 127.60 mg / L (2015), and the highest was 328.14 mg / L (2017). In terms of antioxidant activity, the lowest average content of 7.90 mg / 100g (GAE) was determined in 2015. The highest average antioxidant activity was measured in 2017. (28.45 mg / 100g GAE). The highest average value of polymer color was 5.03% (2017), and the highest was 21.28% (2015). The assessment of the disease was coducted according to the EPPO scale (2001). Average presence of the disease in 2015 was 3.96. In 2016 presence of the disease (1.25) was determined in one treatment (conventional protection with botryticides), while in 2017, the presence of the disease was not recorded in all treatments. ANOVA (p <0.01) revealed a statistically significant difference between the treatments a set of ampelotechnical measures and calcium chloride (for 2016 and 2017), while between other treatments there was no significant difference in grape yield or interaction between treatments and year. A statistically significant influence of the year on all examined treatments was determined |