Abstract | Istraživanja su provedena 2015. godine u intenzivnom nasadu jabuke na poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu Devčić i na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu u Osijeku. Cilj je istraživanja provjeriti protok samih mlaznica i nosača mlaznica na raspršivaču te prikazati uporabu i utroške sredstava za zaštitu u nasadu jabuke. U istraživačkome dijelu diplomskoga rada dobiveni su sljedeći značajniji rezultati: Protok crvenih mlaznica (TR 80 04 C), pri tlaku od 3 bara, najveći je kod mlaznice pod rednim brojem 8. Pri mjerenju u trajanju od 60 sekundi, ostvaruje protok od 1,71 l/min. Najmanji protok ima mlaznica pod rednim brojem 4. Pri mjerenju u trajanju od 60 sekundi, ostvaruje protok 1,56 l/min. Protok žutih mlaznica (TR 80 04 C), pri tlaku od 3 bara, najveći je kod mlaznice pod rednim brojem 6., a pri mjerenju u trajanju od 60 sekundi protok je 0,97 l/min. Najmanji protok ima mlaznica pod rednim brojem 5. Ona, pri mjerenju koje je trajalo 60 sekundi, ostvaruje protok 0,80 l/min. Protok desnih nosača mlaznica, pri tlaku od 3 bara, najveći je kod nosača pod rednim brojem 5., a u prosjeku ostvaruje tlak 2,94 bara. Najmanji protok ima nosač pod rednim brojem 1., a u prosjeku ostvaruje protok 2,89 bara. Protok lijevih nosača mlaznica, pri tlaku od 3 bara, najveći je kod nosača pod rednim brojem 2. i 5., a u prosjeku ostvaruje tlak 2,92 bara. Najmanji protok ima nosač pod rednim brojem 1., a ostvaruje tlak 2,9 bara. Provođenjem 7 tretiranja tijekom 3 mjeseca, prikazani su utrošci vode te sredstava za zaštitu na površini od 2,67 ha. U teorijskome su dijelu diplomskoga rada opisane sorte jabuka u nasadu, korištena sredstva za zaštitu bilja te opis raspršivača tvrtke Agromehanika. U usporedbi s novim mlaznicama, kod testiranih su mlaznica primjećena manja odstupanja zbog starosti i redovite upotrebe. |
Abstract (english) | The research was concerned with intensive apple orchards and carried out on the agricultural estate Devčić and at the Agricultural Faculty in Osijek in 2015. The aim of the research was to give a closer account and brief explanation of the sprinkler nozzle flow as well as the sprinkler nozzle carrier flow on the sprayer. It, furthermore, aimed to shed more light on the use and protection agent consumption when apple orchards are concerned.The empirical part of the paper resulted in some very interesting facts: The red sprinkler nozzle flow (TR 80 04 C), at the 3 bar pressure, was at its highest on the sprinkler nozzle no. 8. By measurement lasting 60 seconds, its flow amounted to 1,71 l/min. The sprinkler nozzle no. 4 appeared to have the lowest flow which, by measurement lasting 60 seconds, amounted to 1,56 l/min. The yellow sprinkler nozzle flow (TR 80 04 C), at the 3 bar pressure, was at its highest on sprinkler nozzle no. 6 and, by measurement lasting 60 seconds, it amounted to 0,97 l/min. The sprinkler nozzle no. 5 appeared to have the lowest flow which, by measurement lasting 60 seconds, amounted to 0,80 l/min. The right sprinkler nozzle carrier flow was, at the 3 bar pressure, at its highest on the carrier no. 5 and its pressure was approximately 2,94 bar. The sprinkler nozzle carrier no. 1 appeared to have the lowest flow and its pressure was approximately 2,89 bar. The left sprinkler nozzle carrier flow, at the 3 bar pressure, was at its highest on the sprinkler nozzle carriers no. 2 and 5 and its pressure was approximately 2,92 bar. The sprinkler nozzle carrier no. 1 appeared to have the lowest flow with pressure approximately amounting to 2,9 bar. During three-month period 7 treatments were carried out on the surface of 2,67 ha and the corresponding water and plant protection agents consumption amounts presented. The theoretical part of the paper aimed to give a satisfactory account of the varieties of apples planted in orchard, used plant protection agents as well as to give a closer decription of one of the latest products of the worldwide recognized company Agromehanika - sprayer. In conclusion, compared with the new sprinkler nozzles, the used ones showed a certain amount of discrepancy due to age and regular use. |