Abstract | Provedeno istraživanje je obavljeno korištenjem radijalnog raspršivača Hardi Arrow u nasadu jabuke. Cilj istraživanja bio je dobiti spoznaju o utjecaju glavnih tehničkih čimbenika raspršivanja (tip mlaznice, brzina rada i norma raspršivanja) na pokrivenost tretirane površine, broj kapljica/cm2, prosječni promjer kapljica te zanošenje tekućine. Korištene brzine rada raspršivača su 6 km/h te 8 km/h, a norme raspršivanja 250, 325 te 400 l/ha. Od mlaznica su se koristile plave (TR 8003), žute (TR 8002) te zelene (TR 80015) Lechler mlaznice. Istraživanje je postavljeno kao trofaktorijelni poljski pokus s 18 tretmana u 2 ponavljanja ovisno o postavkama raspršivača. Za svaki tretman na stablo je bilo postavljeno 60 vodoosjetljivih papirića koji su kasnije obrađeni pomoću računalne analize slike u programu ImageJ. Osim glavnih svojstava istraživanja utvrdio se i indeks lisne površine te indeks lisne gustoće. Prije samog istraživanja raspršivač je bio testiran prema europskom standardu EN 13790. Povećanjem brzine rada raspršivača, povećanjem norme raspršivanja te smanjenjem ISO broja mlaznice povećava se pokrivenost tretirane površine, broj kapljica/cm2, ali i zanošenje, te se smanjuje prosječni promjer kapljica. Radijalni raspršivač Hardi Arrow je postigao solidne rezultate u nasadu jabuka; pokrivenost tretirane površine se kreće od 28,27% (žuta mlaznica, brzina rada od 6 km/h te norma raspršivanja od 400 l/ha) do 64,87% (zelena mlaznica, brzina rada od 8 km/h te norma raspršivanja od 400 l/ha), zanošenje se kreće od 9,87% (plava mlaznica, brzina rada od 6 km/h te norma raspršivanja od 250 l/ha) do 36,28% (zelena mlaznica, brzina rada od 8 km/h te norma raspršivanja od 400 l/ha). Najbolji odnos pokrivenosti tretirane površine i zanošenja tekućine u nasadu jabuke ostvaruje se pri pokrivenošću tretirane površine od 59,55% te zanošenju tekućine od 21,10% (zelena mlaznica, brzina rada od 8km/h te norma raspršivanja od 325 l/ha uz radni tlak od 16,84 bar). |
Abstract (english) | The conducted research was done by using a radial sprayer Hardi Arrow in an apple orchard. The aim of this study was to gain knowledge about the impact of the main technical factors of spraying (nozzle type, sprayer's working speed and the spraying standard) on the coverage of the treated area, the number of drops/cm2, the average diameter of the droplets and fluid drift. The sprayer's working speeds used in this research were 6 km/h and 8 km/h and spraying standards were 250, 325 and 400 l/ha. Nozzles which were used in this research are blue (TR 8003), yellow (TR 8002) and green (TR 80015) Lechler nozzles. The study was set up as a three-factorial field experiment with 18 treatments in 2 repetitions depending on the sprayer's settings. For each treatment the tree was covered with 60 water sensitive papers which were later processed using a digital image analysis program ImageJ. In addition to the main factors of the research, the leaf area index and the index of leaf density were measured too. Prior to research, the sprayer has been tested according to European standard EN 13790. By increasing the sprayer's working speed and increasing the spraying standard while reducing the nozzles' ISO number, the coverage of the treated area was increased along with the number of drops/cm2 and drift, while the average diameter of the droplets was decreased. Radial sprayer Hardi Arrow scored solid results in the apple orchard; coverage of the treated area ranges from 28,27% (yellow nozzle, working speed of 6 km/h and spraying standard of 400 l/ha) to 64,87% (green nozzle, working speed of 8 km/h and spraying standard of 400 l/ha), drift ranges from 9,87% (blue nozzle, working speed of 6 km/h and spraying standard of 250 l/ha) to 36,28% (green nozzle, working speed of 8 km/h and spraying standard of 400 l/ha). The best ratio of coverage of the treated area and drift of the liquid in an apple orchard is achieved by having the coverage of the treated area of 59,55% and the drift of the fluid at 21,10% (green nozzle, working speed of 8 km/h and spraying standard of 325 l/ha with working pressure of 16,84 bar |