Sažetak | Cilj ovog rada bio je određivanje fenotipskih odlika creske ovce, analiza dobivenih rezultata i usporedba s rezultatima ranijih istraživanja provedenih na ovoj pasmini. Istraživanje je provedeno na obiteljskom poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu „Toić“. Uzimanje tjelesnih mjera ovaca provedeno je uz pomoć Lydtinova štapa i mjerne vrpce, a određivanje tjelesne mase izvršeno je pomoću stočne vage. Tjelesne mjere i masa su uzete od 36 grla različite dobi i uzrasta. Nakon utvrđivanja dobi ovce su podijeljene u tri skupine: 1) 11 ovaca do 2 godine; 2) 10 ovaca u dobi od 3 do 6 godina; 3) 15 ovaca u dobi 7 i više godina. Dobiveni rezultati statistički su obrađeni primjenom paketa SAS 9.3 ®. Ovce u dobi do dvije godine ostvarile su 98,45% visine grebena, 95,63% dužine trupa, 95,84% opsega trupa kod prsa, 95,11% opsega trupa kod buta, 94,45% širine prsa, 91,54% dubine prsa, 97% opsega buta i 98,22% dužine buta ovaca u dobi od 3-6 godina. Tjelesna masa starije kategorije ovaca, odnosno u dobi od 3 do 6 bila je veća za 18,5% u odnosu na one u dobi do dvije godine. Tjelesne mjere ovaca u dobi od 3 do 6 godina su se u više od 97% poklapale s tjelesnim mjerama ovaca u dobi preko 7 godina, odnosno ovce su potpunosti razvijene. Možemo zaključiti da creske ovce završavaju svoj tjelesni rast u dobi do treće godine života. Utvrđeno je da današnje creske ovce imaju bolje fenotipske odlike, odnosno tjelesno su razvijenije, većeg tjelesnog okvira i mase u odnosu na ranija mjerenja provedena na ovoj pasmini ovaca. Bolji uvjeti hranidbe i držanja najvjerojatnije su razlog povećanja tjelesnog okvira. Creske ovce su po fenotipskim odlikama slične dubrovačkoj rudi, ličkoj pramenki, donekle i paškoj ovci, veće su od krčke i rapske ovce te dalmatinske pramenke, a manje od istarske ovce i cigaje. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this study was to determine the phenotypic characteristics of Cres sheep, analyze the obtained results and compare them with the results of earlier research carried out on this breed. The research was conducted on the family farm "Toić". Body measurements of sheep were taken using Lydtin’s stick and a measuring tape, animal body mass was determined with animal scales. Body measurements and weight of 36 animals of different age were taken. After age determination, sheep were divided into three groups: 1) 11 sheep under 2 years of age; 2) 10 sheep of 3-6 years of age; 3) 15 sheep of 7 year of age or older. The results were statistically analysed using the package SAS 9.3 ®. Sheep of the first group achieved 98.45% of height of withers, 95.63% of body length, 95.84% of chest circumference, 95.11% of body circumference at the leg area, 94.45% of chest width, 91.54 % of chest depth, 97% of thigh circumference, and 98.22% of length of the thigh of 3 to 6-years-old sheep. Body weight of second group of sheep was 18.5% higher compared to the first group of sheep. Body measurements of 3 to 6-years-old sheep were more than 97% corresponded to the body measurements of sheep of the third group, which means that the sheep were fully developed. We can conclude that Cres sheep complete their physical growth by the age of three years. It was found that today's Cres sheep have better phenotypic characteristics, i.e. they are physically more developed, and have larger body frame and higher weight compared to the previous measurements on this breed of sheep. Better conditions of feeding and rearing are most likely the reason for increased body frame. Phenotypic characteristics of Cres sheep are similar to Dubrovnik sheep, Lika sheep, partly to Pag sheep, larger than the Krk, Rab and Dalmatian sheep and smaller than Istrian sheep and Tsigy |