Abstract | U diplomskom radu opisano je sve vezano za trešnju, od pripreme tla, sadnje, berbe, prerade trešnje u gotove
proizvode: sirup, sok i kompot, te oglašavanje i prodaja proizvoda. Plan je da sorta bude Van. Zdravstvene
dobrobiti ovog prekrasnog voća idu u korak s njegovim oblikom i bojom. U atraktivnim slatkim bobicama
skrivaju se korisni sastojci koji višestruko pridonose zdravlju i ljepoti. Odličan su izvor vitamina A, B1, B2, B3,
B6, C i K te minerala kalija, kalcija, željeza, bakra, mangana, magnezija, fosfora i cinka. Sadrže prehrambena
vlakna, celulozu, pektin, organske kiseline (jabučnu, limunsku, vinsku) te nešto proteina i ugljikohidrata. Zbog
bogatstva antioksidansa trešnje su izvrsni borci protiv slobodnih radikala, koji svojim djelovanjem višestruko
štete ljudskom organizmu |
Abstract (english) | The thesis describes everything related to cherries, from soil preparation, planting, harvesting, processing
cherries into finished products: syrup, juice and compote, as well as advertising and product sales. The plan is
that the cherry variety is Van. The health benefits of this wonderful fruit keep pace with its shape and colour.
Attractive sweet berries hide useful ingredients that in many ways contribute to health and beauty. This fruit is
an excellent source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C and K and minerals potassium, calcium, iron, copper,
manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. It contains dietary fiber, cellulose, pectin, organic acids (malic,
citric, tartaric) and a little protein and carbohydrates. Wealth of antioxidants make cherries an excellent fighter
against free radicals, which can cause multiple damage to human body. |